Creativity Without Constraints
Often times, I create large amounts of professional writing that does not necessarily fall into a specific category (e.g. Marketing and Communications, Journalism, Websites, etc.). I believe that creativity is a spectrum of ideas that range from pitches for interactive adventures to a story within a financial report that inspires investment into the future, and more!
At the end of the day, I try to infuse my work with some semblance of creativity no matter how dry the content may be.
That’s just the kind of 21st Century Digital Writer that I am!
Adventure Pitches
5 Wits Adventures was the featured story in the Future Shock segment of my March 25, 2014 episode of NICK’S SCI-FI CORNER (Aliens with Benefits!).
They provide these live-action cinematic-like adventure experiences for their guests. Some adventures include a Spy Mystery and a Steam Punk Escape. They have a facility at Patriot Place in Foxborough Mass, several in New York, and one in Pennsylvania.
Their Founder, President, and CEO, Matt DuPlessie, and I have had several correspondences over the years since I featured his amazing enterprise on my show. I spent considerable time campaigning to join the 5 Wits Productions team on the corporate level. Unfortunately, their needs are more engineering-based rather than marketing communications-based. But I still keep trying because one-day they might just need my professional and creative writing skills.

To help convince of them that, I wrote Three Amazing Adventure Pitches for new 5 Wits fully-immersive experiences.
They were called: The Atlantean Enigma, The Hallows of Morden, and Vanguard Force.
The fonts colors of the titles were deliberate.
Matt was totally impressed by my creativity; however, those pitches didn’t win me a role at 5 Wits.
Marketing Concepting

Which was why I came up with another angle to impress Matt: a faux article that was a Marketing Concepting Piece in disguise.
5 Wits Takes San Diego Comic-Con By Storm!
I used San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) as setting for a huge 5 Wits Adventures marketing blitz that was ostensibly covered by the aforementioned online pop-culture magazine (written by me of course under the pseudonym of Josiah Whedonesque—a take of the Marvel Cinematic Universe movie director Joss Whedon).
I have seen 5 Wits have small presences at Boston/Providence comic cons but never at the big one in San Diego. If there was ever a venue that they should go all out and market at it should be SDCC!
I’ve made this pitch to Matt before. And I’ve also suggested that they open up new live-action interactive adventures on the West Coast, which I think they would dominate there. Other genre Escape Room type adventures are cropping up everywhere (like the one in Salem Mass.). 5 Wits would be crazy not open up their unique brand of Hollywood-style adventures in that market out there.
So I gave Matt a taste of what it could look like with the faux article.
Who knows, probably by now they are actually doing what I suggested. And I would love to be a part of that!
New Media Strategy
And finally, as part of my relentless campaign to join the 5 Wits Productions team (which I believe I totally belong with), I hit Matt with a comprehensive idea called, A New Kind of Media Strategy, which takes 5 Wits to a whole new level!
I did this one in a professional cover/pitch letter form.
I first proposed a published hard copy book of mystical adventure secrets (that I would write, which I know I am fully capable of doing) called:
The Lost Book of Shakespeare’s 5 Wits
Here’s an except:
Oh how thou art like a muse, finding oneself bemused by their very presence;
Yet, when it is time for thy verity to seek the knowledge of ancient reverie,
Oh how one shrinks to the task. Brav’d men must not fail to op’the course,
Set about on a sea: rich with diamond thoughts that only the truest can see.
And it gets better from there!
I also proposed:
- A 5 Wits Channel that is solely OTT (i.e. video streaming on Netflix, etc.)
- A 5 Wits VR/AR Exhibit (i.e Augmented Reality) at SDCC (and other comic cons all over the country)
- A 5 Wits App (for mobile devices and more)
- A 5 Wits West Coast presence called 5 Wits Adventureland (like Universal Studios)
- And a 5 Wits social media mega platform called 5Witticisms
Seriously, who couldn’t lose with an overall New Media Strategy like that? See for yourself…

CAPEX Reports
CAPEX Reports, A.K.A. Capital Expenditure Reports, are long-term spending projections and organizational investments in infrastructure and expansion over a multi-year period.
When Dedham Television/DVAC needed a CAPEX Report for their upcoming 2016 contract renegotiations with the telecomm companies, they turned to me to write it.

With my deep knowledge of the organization, coupled with my years of professional business writing experience, I was able to put together this extremely comprehensive CAPEX Report. Furthermore, I did all of the page design and graphics. The appendices are results of my extensive research into the subject matter. All sources are cited in the report (to the left).
Note: Ironically, it was this report that helped doomed my role at Dedham Television as Senior Marketing and Communications Manager. Not because I did a bad job but instead the report helped the telecomm companies in their assesments to dwindle-down the PEG funding allotment for DVAC, which meant that the organization couldn’t keep all of the staff. And since I did just an amazing job on the websites, the VOD channels, the marketing and communications collateral, and all of the other work that I did; I left them in a good enough position where they could do without my role—in the short-term. Plus, they couldn’t afford my professional level of services anymore either after those renegotiations.
Moral of the story: Try not to over-work yourself out of your job!
Fitness Cosplay Starter Kit
Fitness and cosplay are a part of my personality. I honestly do not care if a hiring manager thinks I’m weird that I like to get in shape, go to comic cons, dress up as superheroes or super-villains, and hang out with the geekiest and most fun people on Earth. That is my scene. Period. If a hiring manager and/or their company cannot appreciate that part of my character, then I do not want to work for them. They would be stiffs and squares anyway, and about as exciting to work for as watching paint dry!
That being said, I have built up quite an enterprise of fitness (exercise and nutrition) programs, equipment, interests, and experience.
I have remade my into something great. I’m in the best shape of my life.
New flash: I don’t want their jobs. I just want my job because I have a whole other life outside work: fitness, cosplay, comic cons, and writing science-fiction novels.
Anyway, as I said on my Nick Iandolo bio page, I am exploring the idea of kicking off a side business as a fitness trainer promoting a program for men and women who want to get into shape for cosplay. I call it Fitness Cosplay (FitCos).
I have already begun in this endeavor by writing up the following 19-page Fitness – Starter Kit.
It’s chock full of fitness advice, anecdotes, a workout program for beginners, information on apps, nutrition ideas, and motivational speeches!
This is the first step into the FitCos Program. Next will be a NASM MMA Conditioning Specialist Certification, a dedicated website, classes, a cosplay club, and more!

It all begins with this document to the left.
And in true Nick Iandolo writing style it is pithy, humorous, gritty, and comprehensive!
Also, here are a few pics below from my latest cosplay experience: Star Lord at FanExpo Boston 2018.
You might just want to follow this Starter Kit and be off on your own fitness adventure, and maybe cosplay as well!